A course to teach entrepreneurial skills in a way that is adaptable to each person and their dreams!
Below are the basics of the class, but keep reading for the heart behind entrepreneurship...
-12 classes via zoom
-Ran like a mastermind
-Students share their thoughts
-Learning is exploratory
-Group work on mindset
-Hands off for parents

I opened my hand to admire my shiny new coin!
My heart bursting with excitement, the surge of energy pulling on my face muscles almost forcing a smile that I could not fight, goose bumps waking up my delicate skin…
It was my first Sale! I wanted to run, jump up and down, hug some one!
It was thrilling!
That coin might have seemed worthless to some but to me it felt like…
*Being able to accomplish my goal
*Validation for my artistry
*Newfound confidence in what I was capable of
* So many possibilities!
I was probably 8 years old when I first understood the wonder of entrepreneurship and I was hooked. I wanted more!

There was magic in being able to…
- Look at the world around me with a keen eye, in an attempt to use anything at my disposal to create or invent a product, by turning something worthless into something that could light someone up.
- Use my feelings and emotions to convey a vibe of how I wanted my client to feel when buying from me or using my services.
- Learn new techniques to create products I may have never made before. Curiosity alone drove me to try all sorts of new things and research new ways of doing them.
- Change as many times as I wanted to when something was out of alignment, not profitable, or simply not fun.
- But by far my favorite part was seeing the clients face when they saw my product, feeling their energy as they got excited to buy, having a client express their happiness for what you have a provided them…
I grew not only as an entrepreneur but also as a human being every time I made a sale!
The Purpose of this course is to light the “Spark of Possibilities”... that is why this course is perfect for all ages!
Entrepreneur skills can help you…

My earliest memory is of selling key chains at about 8 years of age. But I also recall selling candy, art, repurposed clothing and even made custom prom dresses for fellow classmates in high school. My businesses weren’t always product based. I also offered my services to anyone that needed them, holding dance classes for younger kids, putting on performances, or just getting paid to do chores. I explored my little heart out!
As an adult, I have created successful businesses in several fields such as art, fashion and design, growing my last business, an artistic cake shop, to 6-figures and selling it for profit when I needed a change in lifestyle. I have always loved the idea of using what I enjoy and my natural talents to create wealth, and now as a parent, I love using what I love to teach my children enrichment skills.
Now enrolling!
Entrepreneur skills can help you…
We offer a 12 week programs that meets via zoom once a week for an hour. During the course, they will experience interactive learning in an open and cooperative enviroment with discussions about all things business catered to their level of understanding. We will also use online tools like Canva to create logos and marketing, and they will be guided into creating intentional social campaigns, to be shared by the teacher or themselves if they have social platforms.
For 11-17 year olds...
We offer a compressed 6 week programs that meets via zoom twice a week for an hour. During the course, you will experience interactive learning in an open and cooperative enviroment. We will also use online tools like Canva to create logos and marketing, and they will be guided into creating intentional social campaigns. For this age bracket, it can be a theory course or can help either create a full business or take an existing business to the next level. The possibilities are endless!
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