Photo Jul 09 5 47 57 AMAll in all my story is pretty straight forward. I got divorced; I started homeschooling my girls; I sold my business after 10 years of working 16 hour days; And then I headed out on the road. Sure, it wasn’t this clear and simple and it all happened in the span of 2 years, but that is the basics of the whole thing. I was tired of the world I was living in, I was coping with a chronic illness, and I barely had time for my children. Life felt like a black hole. No matter how much I would give, life always wanted more. And no matter how fast I ran there was just no going through the finish line.

Photo Nov 26 10 30 38 AM     Everyone that has worked from home can probably relate in some way to the feeling that daily life just gets in the way of work. I merit this to our surroundings. When you create a home your main focus, even if you have a home office, is to make the home a place to live, relax and play. I would say the same goes for travel for me. the road is my home where I feel comfortable enough to live, relax and play. I know it may not be easy to imagine but in striping away all the “musts” of daily life, I left a canvas that after two years still has blank spots. I created a concept of what living (vs vacationing) while traveling means to me and how I want to see it to fruition. I created check-in points for my children and I maintain clear communication at all times. And created a way for them to enjoy just being alive but still get a more traditional homeschooling curriculum in regularly. The one thing that seems to elude me is my work.

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Photo May 23 3 31 17 PM

In the search to offer her children an education beyond their usual surroundings, and seeking to exist outside her chronic illness, Karen Matamoros created a life of exploration. From traveling the world to diving within, resetting boundaries, curating an intentional & artistic life, and redefining what entrepreneurship while being a homeschooling single mom looks like. Her ability to create freedom within her own life has led her to offer coaching to parents that wish to create freedom in life, business and homeschooling while creating daily flow and cultivating their relationship with their children. At the core of her work, she believes in catering to the child as a whole, and thus she offers kids and teens classes that cater to the entrepreneurial spirit and to help children grow into their dreams. She has also founded Project: KAring, an alternative education portal for kids focused on the body, mind, and soul. She created this community to make free form education easily accessible to every child, through a directory, forums and scholarships. She uses her artistic expression to paint her world with intentionality, from curating each piece of her home and garden to organizing magical lived experiences. Although an entrepreneur her whole life, she started to truly live her passion when she sold her 6-figure business in 2017, and set out to travel full-time with her two daughters for many years before settling in Miami to create a cozy home for her children to grow into young women.

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